Here at CrucialBMX we have been working closely with Cleggy Rowlands and our own web-designer Richard Homer on an exciting new project called R.O.S, it stands for Rider Owned Stores. We all believe that the importance of ROS's needs to be brought to the attention of the BMX community. A website is being created ( as an online directory for all CORE BMX shops, as well as having pages to educate all riders on the importance of supporting ROS's and the scene they create around themselves. This will hopefully help to publicise and strengthen the great bond which we have over here in the UK between BMX riders and places they pick up parts. The website will also break the shops down into areas, this well help you find your local ROS store for you to support. As you know, CrucialBMX is 100% rider owned/Run/Staff and we also go the extra mile to keep any 3rd party work (eg: Web-design, Adverts, Promotion and so on) involved with BMX'ers. This is the CrucialBMX Way. We all need to pull together, get behind this and create something special. Lets not sell out our passion, hobbies and life-style to multi-million pound money grabbing corporate stores that are only concerned in the 6 figure profit at the end..... Lets make it better for us all