As we all know the internet and social networking pay a massive role in everyday life. Every kid has a smartphone, laptop, iPad or some other high-tech gizmo to keep up-to-date with peers. Why not also keep up to date with CrucialBMX? We have many different outlets, each slightly different depending on what your thing. Take a look and give us a follow/like/request.... Facebook: There is also a CrucialBMX Appreciation page, search it. Twitter: Now this is a little bit more personal to myself, i tend to post CrucialBMX updates as well as what is going on/i'm thinking in life. Only view if your over 18 as some of the posts might be offensive... Skype: Great if you want to quickly pop on and ask me any questions Search name: CrucialScott or Scott Summerhayes Tumblr: Never use this, very rarely gets updated. Usually i just end up re-posting other BMX news/girls. Formspring: Something i'm new too, i can't really see the point in it. You basically ask people questions, but you can do it totally anonymously....Kinda strange, but whatever. Linkedin: In simple terms; a facebook for profession business people. They will only cater to industry heads. All these are checked and updated daily. Get up to date with CrucialBMX NOW!