This morning i got forwarded these awful images, i was gobsmacked to say the least! A friend of a friend went into a popular MTB bike shop on the famous Park Street in bristol (I won't name which one because thats just mean), all he wanted was a new internal headset fitted, a regular seat-post and also a Dirty Harry lever. This is how it turned out: Thats right guys, a WeThePeople Internal headset RESTING ON THE OUTSIDE OF A PRESS-FIT HEAD-TUBE! Apparently this is deemed perfectly fine and fitted correctly. Remember me saying that he also bought a Dirty Harry brake lever? Well they used the shim that comes with that lever to fit a old-school laid back seatpost into a regular BMX frame seat-tube. Then made him buy another shim to fit his lever to his bars! I cannot see how anyone can see this as acceptable, just another reason to leave it to the professionals!