The Come Up owner Adam Grandmaison drops a MTB Blog!
The Come Up owner Adam Grandmaison drops a MTB Blog!
PublishedMay 20, 2011
I couldn't believe my eyes this morning when i signed onto Facebook and caught a glimpse of Adam Grandmasion posting a link to his brand new MTB Blog.
From a business side of things i take my hat off to you Adam, however the little BMX'er in my cannot help but feel slightly betrayed and i feel that it might come across to most BMX'ers a little hypocritical with all the MTB bashing that has happened on TCU BMX!
As we all know BMX is a big game now but unless you own multiple successful companies you never going to make serious money, i see what Adam has done is extremely logical. Taking what he knows and has learnt from BMX to the MTB world (Who are still stuck years behind us). He's going to recreate the way MTB get there news just as he did here in the BMX world when TCU first started. I see no reason why you shouldn't be making this move, there is probably a lot more money in MTB advertising to be had and Adam already know what path to go down to create a success blog with an incredible amount of hits/fans.
I would like to know your thoughts on this? and i will leave you with the introductory post from
"Hello and welcome to TCUmtb! My name’s Adam22 and I wanted to take a moment of your time to introduce myself and let everyone know what this site is all about.
In 2006 I started a simple blog called The Come Up with no intention other than posting some of the BMX videos that were popping up on messageboards and being ignored by the traditional BMX media. The Come Up clearly struck a chord with the BMX community as it quickly rocketed from obscurity to become the most popular, influential and heavily trafficked BMX website of all time.
Where other BMX websites were cluttered with boring news, useless product reviews and banal bike checks, we cut away the fat and focused on what the rider’s wanted; great content scoured from all over the web. It’s a tireless job but one that needed to be done for the good of the community.
Now it’s 2011 and we decided it was time to bring the same brutal honesty and simple aesthetic that turned BMX on it’s head to the MTB world. We’ve got love for all kinds of bicycling and the utmost respect for the history and culture of mountain biking so we’ve partnered with some of the most knowledgable MTB guys in the game and we’re ready to bring a breath of fresh air to the MTB world just like we did to BMX. We’ve already got an awesome editorial team consisting of Phil Sundbaum and Jeremy Harrison, if you don’t know them, you’ll be getting to know them much better in the months to come. Please bookmark our site, follow both myself and TCUmtb on Twitter and spread the word if you like what you see!"
Peace and good luck