Colony UK Tour @ CrucialBMX Bedminster - Tuesday 4th September
Colony UK Tour @ CrucialBMX Bedminster - Tuesday 4th September
PublishedSeptember 3, 2012
Colony BMX Team @ CrucialBMX Bedminster!
Tuesday 4th of September – 12pm onwards – Meet and Greet style.
This coming Tuesday is going to be heavy, we have our last meet and greet of the summer and it’s a bloody good one! Colony have been touring around the UK and are going to be landing in CrucialBMX with this heavy line up of riders:
Ryan Guettler
Chris Courtenay
Cooper Brownlee
Clint Millar
Anton McGurk
Sam Daves-Bate
Liam Vance
Come in meet the riders from 1pm onwards, welcome to get a photograph and whatever you like signed. I’m sure they will have a whole bunch of Colony stuff to give out as well
After everyone has met I’m sure a ride around the local skatepark will go down, the weather is suppose to be beautiful!
Catch you all Tuesday.