The guys over at Southwest BMX have a great competition going on right now! Basically you submit some clips into them using the form linked below and you are entered to win a whole load of Crucial BMX, 34R and SWBMX Products! Its really that easy.... The reason for gathering the clips is that in the end they will put them all together to create a dope video, the more you send in the better chance you have of winning and getting your clips in the final edit. This is definitely a great way to get your name out there as the video will be watched by thousands! They have put together a "how-to" video and provided as much information as possible below, you have no reason no to be involved and get your clips into these guys (Remember that it can be Street, Dirt or Park!):

Aficionados Project from Henry Cakebread on Vimeo.

Above is the video showing you how to send your clips in that you want to be featured in a huge, compilation BMX edit from riders all around the world! <<<<<< CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE ENTRY FORM >>>>> (You don’t have to be from the SouthWest) Aficionados Definition: "A person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, subject, or pastime." We will need Your Name, Email & Video URL all these can be added to the Email Form IN THE LINK ABOVE. The clip can be a line or a banger.. as longs it’s only 1 clip, you can send more than 1 clip however please do them separately! Steps: 1. Film a clip of you doing a trick and/or a bail, a shot of the place your riding and a shot of you looking down the camera 2. Upload the raw footage (no effects or filters please) to Vimeo, Youtube, Dropbox, or Sendspace. 3. Fill out the entry form at the bottom of this page. 4. Like us on Facebook: and 5. Deadline for the clips is 4th December 2012 6. By entering your clip your entered into a lucky dip competition to win prizes from SouthWestBMX, Crucial BMX shop and 34R 7. Wait for the edit to be released! A few tips: 1. If your filming on your phone please could you make sure to film landscape (phone on its side) instead of portrait 2. If possible can you make sure to upload your clip in the highest possible quality e.g.HD 3. Try to get the whole trick in frame so that everyone can see what it is and how impressive it is 4. Have fun! Prizes: What’s up for grabs? Some South West BMX clothing, Crucial BMX Clothing & 34R parts: If you have any questions about the project feel free too email: [email protected] Release Statement/Terms & Conditions “I agree to the inclusion of my contribution in this film, the nature of which has been explained to me and that I am the owner of the clip. I understand that my contribution will be edited and there is no guarantee that my contribution will appear in the final edit. I agree that my contribution may be used by way of Internet, point-of-sale, video, theatrical and television broadcast, whether it be terrestrial or satellite. I understand that this film (or part of it) may be distributed or shown in any medium in any part of the World. My contribution has, to the best of my knowledge, been truthful and honest. I have not deliberately sought to conceal any relevant facts from the makers of this film.”