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The Aficionados Project from Henry Cakebread on Vimeo.
Here is the video of me picking the winner:Aficionados Lucky Dip Competition Winner! from Henry Cakebread on Vimeo.
"This project was created by me (Henry Cakebread) and Sam James to bring the BMX community together in one edit, as well as to give the opportunity for the up and coming riders to be featured on SouthWestBMX. To do this we set up a number of promotional videos and poster in which we asked riders to send in clips of them riding. In order to give more of an incentive for these riders to send in these clips we hooked up with Scott Summerhayes from Crucial BMX Shop. Scott was kind enough to give us some products from Crucial BMX shop and 34R that we could give out as a prize after a lucky dip draw at the end of the project. This was fantastic and I don’t think we would have been as successful without they’re support throughout the whole project. We had an initial deadline for the entries to be sent into us as the 4th December 2012 but as we wanted more clips and knew of riders who wanted to enter a clip but hadn’t been able to due to the weather, we re-launched and extended the deadline to the 24th December 2012. After this most of my time was taken up with my dissertation for my University so I wasn’t able to edit the clips together into the final compilation edit until after I’d finished that. However, as soon as I finished my dissertation I got straight into editing the clips together, and what a fantastic set of clips we got! I’d like to say an extra thank you to Lee Martin, Laurence Leeke and Ross Penny for helping me by filming and sending in clips of other riders. I’d also like to say thank you to Scott Summerhayes and all the people at Crucial BMX shop and 34R who helped and supported this project. Without you guys I feel this project would not have been as successful. Finally, a big thank you to every single person that sent in a clip to us to compile in this edit. It’s been a fantastic experience editing your clips into this edit and bringing the BMX community together in one edit. All of your help and support was much appreciated. The winner of the lucky dip competition should be released this evening. Produced by: Henry Cakebread Sam James Edited by: Henry Cakebread Music by: Barrie Gledden/ Kes Loy/ Richard Kimmings – Bubblegum baby Hanni El Khatib – I Got A Thing Sites to check out: Facebook:"