CrucialBMX 'Is This England?' Trails Trip Summer 2013 Video
CrucialBMX 'Is This England?' Trails Trip Summer 2013 Video
PublishedSeptember 23, 2013
Big thank you to everyone that has been holding on for this video, it’s been a bit of a palaver to say the least. It’s had multiple drop dates, problems with codecs and has caused me many of sleepless nights….
However its finally here, our longest video to date. I hope you all enjoy it.
In the middle of July we took 5 of our top riders on a weeklong road-trip around the awesome trails spots that south England have to offer. We didn’t really get massively far from the shop however hardly any of us had ridden the spots before. We had no plan or hotels, just a van full of friends and the hope that we would make it somewhere that would allow us to ride or at least sleep the night in our tents...
This video ties in with our 8 page article in RIDE UK Magazine Issue 180 – If you’d like to read in more detail exactly what happened day to day then please pick up a copy NOW! It’s only got a week or two left until the next issue will be out.
The video is broken down into different parts:
The Field – Massive thanks to Woody and Steve Bancroft for the session.
Barend Trails - Massive thanks to the locals for the dope session.
PSA Trails – Big thanks to Digger and the locals for the great time before and during the Jam.
Woodyard Trails – Big thanks to Ian Gunner / Johnny Elia for the opportunity to come session their local.
Line with Bob Manchester through Leatherhead Trails – Massive thanks to the locals for letting us come down, unfortunately we got there a bit late and it was dark already. Bob was the only person that I got clips of at that spot.
Wisley – Massive thanks to the locals for the dope session.
Brockham Trails – Massive thanks to the local for the dope session. Can’t believe Bob was the first BMX’er to complete the whole big line including the 37FT booster at the end.
The riders involved:
Scott Summerhayes – Team Manager / Shop Owner
Duncan Smith – Photographer
Danny Taylor – Works in the shop
Bob Manchester – Team
Alex Boyd – Team
Cam Hardy – Team
Adam Dear – Team
Ryan Elcock – Team
Cappy – Team
Damo Wilkinson – Guest Clips
Woody – Guest Clips
Plus there were a few locals that I couldn’t remember the names of so I do apologies.
Filmed by Scott Summerhayes & Cam Hardy
Edited by Scott Summerhayes
Photographs by Duncan Smith
Search #CrucialTrailsTrip for more coverage on Instagram!
This video is also available on DVD from the shop should you want a hard-copy – Please ask for details
Instagram: CrucialScott