This months RIDE UK (issue 186) is absolutely busting with CrucialBMX content even though its the first magazine in 7 years that we have NOT had a full-page article in. Don't worry our awesome adverts aren't going anywhere its just that we have have dropped a few of the 'quieter' issues this year!
If you want to score a copy of this mag, or find out what other content it has other than the boring non-crucial stuff CLICK HERE
As i mentioned above, CrucialBMX rider Michael Jordan has some dope content in the shape of a 'high five' article. Basically from what i can work out its a brief introduction to MJ by a Robin Pearson and then 5 random questions with some funny/witty answers by MJ.
Its great to get a mention for our rad team, however 'Crack-Baby' isn't a nick name i've used to describe ma' boy.

To go along with that, MJ also got a dope G-Turn photograph in the Skatepark Testing section.

Now, boy wonder Emerson Morgan can really do no wrong. It seemed only right that this months test bike being an awesome Subrosa Salvador fell into his lap to give a good thrashing. That is exactly what he did, gapping this insane and impossible to ride ghetto vert wall into yet another ghetto might-as-well-be-vert quarter pipe over lots of bricks and HIV filled needles...
He went bloody high as well! That #CrucialGang for you!