Crucial Custom WeThePeople Sterling BMX Bike - Toby McNaught
Crucial Custom WeThePeople Sterling BMX Bike - Toby McNaught
PublishedJanuary 25, 2015
Its been a while since we have featured one of our custom bikes on here! Getting close for almost 9-10 months, incredible, all down to a lack of time. Going to try and pull my finger out this year and really show you all what goes on here as we have custom bikes leaving us almost daily...
I guess this brings me on to talking about this awesome looking Crucial Custom Bike that you see before you! It's based on the WeThePeople Sterling Frame. Unfortunately i don't have any elaborate story to go along with this one, the owner Toby McNaught is a good friend of mine and wanted to put together his dream bike for the start of 2015 so with the help from us here at CrucialBMX that's exactly what we did!
I think the bike speaks for itself so i'm going to shut the hell up and let you enjoy the specification and picture!
FRAME: WeThePeople Sterling Frame - Black
FORKS: Fit Blade Forks - Black
BARS: United 8 Inch Bars - Black
HEADSET: Shadow Stacked Integrated
STEM: Shadow Ravager Top Load Stem - Copper Tie-Dye
GRIPS: subrosa Villicus V2 Grips - Tie-Dye
CRANKS: Stranger Crux Cranks
SPROCKET: Eclat Vent Full Guard Sprocket
PEDALS: Odyssey JCPC Pedals
CHAIN: Shadow Interlock V2 Half-Link Chain - Copper Tie-Dye
SEAT: Cult Dehart Pivotal Seat
SEAT POST: Shadow Pivotal - Copper Tie-Dye
REAR HUB: Shadow Raptor Female Front Hub
FRONT HUB: Shadow Raptor Freecoaster
HUB GUARDS: Shadow Rant V2 (F) & FBM Guard (R)
RIMS: Odyssey 7KA Rims
PEGS: Shadow Slide Or Die PC x 3
TYRES: Subrosa Strada Tyres