We are proud to announce our 2020 UK Elite Race Team! After the success of the 2019 season, we are hoping to continue on with a quality start at Rounds 1 & 2 in Manchester.... The weather was against us during our first team get together, 50mph gusts of wind made riding almost impossible but we battled on after stuffing with pizza for extra weight! Ryan Martin Eddie Moore Matthew Bourne Adam Brazil Michael Gough Alfie Lovell Benjamin Martinez Brett Knight Callum Knight Thomas Palmer Aaron Holloway Alexander Talbott Oliver Copping Jenson Hunt Taylor Hunt Elisha Jamera Itai Jamera Jayden Seward Emie Seward Libby Copping Reggie Palmer Thanks to the sponsors of our team: Pride Racing Tangent YESS BMX SpeedCo BMX Inspyre Bikes Avian BMX Renthal G-Form Faith Rift BMX BOX Components #CrucialGang www.CrucialBMXShop.com www.instagram.com/CrucialBMXShop Scott@CrucialBMX.com / 0117 307 9096